+420 541 212 144
  • Hutira

    Being primarily an industry-oriented producer, we still care a lot about environmental protection. As such, we try to maximize utilization of renewable natural resources in our everyday operation.

    Our company has currently moved to new modern premises in Popuvky. The facility features both simple timeless design and energy-efficient technical equipment. Since the very beginning, heat pumps (water-water system) have been used for HVAC in all buildings. Thus, we are able to reduce the HVAC costs by up to 45%. Water management system including an industrial wastewater treatment plant was designed in close cooperation with our partner company ASIO. The system features a deep well as a stabile water source. Then, the water is treated in HUTIRA CCW and used across the entire facility. The energy consumption of the premises is further reduced by the use of solar energy: 37kVp photovoltaic panels have been placed on the roof of administrative building. This clean energy from the sun is stored in batteries and used for the operation of the facility. The buildings are surrounded by delightful green zones that create a pleasant environment for our employees and guests. Small lake below the Moravian Matterhorn hill and several birch trees form a pleasant relaxing place for summer days. We actively seek and implement innovations with new technologies for an environment-friendly life.