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  • Hutira

    The drought and lack of good drinking water is a big topic. HUTIRA VISION s.r.o. has a solution

    It has become a widely accepted fact that due to drought and low precipitation rate, both groundwater and surface water reservoir volumes have been reducing over past years. As a result, it is essential to utilize water resources as efficiently as possible. This overall situation has been a great motivation for further development of our Crystal Clear Water concept. In order to maximize use of surface water and deepwater wells, our HUTIRA – VISION subsidiary has developed a state-of-art technology for treatment of drinking water sources. In this process, we have been following information concerning various solutions from abroad as well. This technical data has been carefully evaluated and used for our product improvement.

    Recently, the HUTIRA VISION s.r.o. has presented our HUTIRA CCW water treatment technology at the Irish Water & Energy Summit 2018 and the Tunis Fair. We have also attended the “Drought and Water, Smart Solutions for Landscape and Towns” conference which took place on November 14 2018 at the VIDA Science Center in Brno. This interesting event was dedicated to miscellaneous water management issues in the Czech Republic. We have shared our views with industry professionals and have received important feedback as well. This new information will help us to expand range and scope of our products so that we can successfully address the most pressing issues using our technology. “Think big” is the motto of our company. We are the right partner for your water management/treatment projects.

    Click HERE to find out more about CCW technology.