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  • Hutira

    Donations to people, foundations, associations or non-profit organizations have long been part of the HUTIRA brand philosophy. Last year was no different as we donated more than 1 percent of our profit to those in need. Because we were affected the most by the situation in Ukraine, we felt obliged to help the most there. In addition to humanitarian aid, we have also sent a water treatment plant and a portable generator to the country. However, we have not forgotten other areas which we feel it is essential to help. Therefore, the funds we generated together under the HUTIRA brand went to ecology, sports, culture, and above all to help people in need.


    Our technologies have helped in Ukraine


    Social responsibility is one of the pillars on which we build our HUTIRA brand values. In the first half of the year, we focused intensively on aiding Ukraine. Immediately after the outbreak of the conflict, HUTIRA – BRNO sent a generator to the country, which was part of the humanitarian aid from the South Moravian Region, as well as a special container unit for medical purposes.

    Social responsibility is one of the pillars on which we build our HUTIRA brand values. In the first half of the year, we focused intensively on aiding Ukraine. Immediately after the outbreak of the conflict, HUTIRA – BRNO sent a generator to the country, which was part of the humanitarian aid from the South Moravian Region, as well as a special container unit for medical purposes.


    All HUTIRA companies gradually became involved in helping Ukraine. A mobile water treatment plant has made it easier for the people of Ukraine to have access to drinking water. We provided an assortment of water supplies to help repair damaged water mains.


    We also greatly appreciate the kindness and willingness of our employees who have made material or financial donations to Ukrainian refugees. Thanks to them, we were able to send the necessary equipment to the country – blankets, food, hygiene items and much more.


    However, it is not only the events in Ukraine that have struck us, but also the reverberations of the coronavirus pandemic. Two years ago, we decided to lend a helping hand to overburdened hospitals and donated containers to three of them to serve as makeshift collection sites for COVID-19 testing. Now, perhaps as a sign that the coronavirus pandemic has calmed down, the last of the loaned containers is coming back from the hospital in Tišnov.

    We encourage children, students and athletes


    Besides being actively involved in training and education specialising in the gas industry, we also work with schools. We were involved in the development of new technologies with the Brno University of Technology throughout the year. We also decided to support the students in their leisure activities and donated money to the university ice hockey team Cavaliers Brno. Because sport and movement is for everyone to enjoy, whether they are healthy or in a wheelchair. This is the very idea that Cesta za snem promotes, which is why we also supported the Metrostav handy bike marathon 2022, which the organization holds.


    In 2022, we also supported, for example, the KRTEK Children’s Oncology Endowment Fund, the Milan Nový CAPS 66 Endowment, as well as the Nadace Partnerství Foundation, an environmental association that helps care for the countryside. At HUTIRA, we also strive to continuously care for the environment and seek sustainable solutions through our active approach.


    We are glad to have been able to help everyone to a greater or lesser extent during the year. Many thanks also go to our employees who took part in these activities. It is this dedication and commitment to these values that makes our companies strong.